
Enjoy Refreshing Pineapple this Summer and Promote Your Health at the Same Time

Most health-conscious people know that pineapple and other fruits are a major source of Vitamin C. And most of us have heard about the central role of this water-soluble antioxidant vitamin in mopping up the free radicals that damage normal cells -- implicated in the aging process. But did you know that the key enzyme in pineapple (bromelain) has been studied for decades and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects? And to aid in digestion? And even to be effective in cancer treatment and prevention?

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme. It acts to accelerate the breakdown of the proteins that we eat and thereby enhances the absorption of nutrients. Bromelain is active in both the acid environment of the stomach and in the alkaline environment of the small intestines. Bromelain enzymes are fibronolytic (breaks down clots) and antithrombotic (reduces obstructions in blood vessels). Scientific studies have documented the therapeutic efficacy of Bromelain in a wide range of health conditions and body functions.

  • Bromelain balances digestive processes through enzymatic action.
  • Bromelain is used for treating sinusitis.
  • Bromelain increases blood and urine levels of antibiotics in humans.
  • Bromelain has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling, aids in recovery from injuries and surgery.
  • Bromelain protects the Immune system, enhancing the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Bromelain has been used to treat tumors and even Cancer.

How to add Bromelain to your daily nutrition regime
  • You can add Bromelain to your daily nutrition regime by eating fresh pineapple, a delicious summer treat. But please note that canned pineapple has lost most of its nutritional value from the heat used in the canning process.
  • For tips on buying good pineapple explore this site http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-if-a-Pineapple-Is-Ripe, and for advice on preparing the juicy, tangy, sweet fruit of this tropical plant, you can visit http://www.howtocutapineapple.com.

How HealthPro Nutrient Can Help

For the simplest and purest supplemental nutritional products that can optimize your Bromelain intake, HealthPro Nutrient offers these products that contain Bromelain in therapeutic amounts and in combination with other essential nutrients.

Digestive Enzymes
  • Catalyst to breakdown foods
  • Improve absorption of nutrients

  • Nutritional support for joint and connective tissue,
  • Enhanced joint mobility
  • Tissue repair, reduced pain of swelling from injuries and surgery/ ability to breakdown fibrinous plaque.