
Stomp Out Allergies With Ai/E10

Springtime and Immune Support

As we enjoy the arrival of spring, for many it means the beginning of the aggravation of seasonal allergies. Allergies arise from an abnormal, but very common, immune system response to otherwise harmless substances in the environment. That suggests the importance of keeping our immune systems in top condition not only in the winter months but spring as well. Taking a supplement containing Ai/E10 everyday will help give your immune system the support it needs throughout the seasons. 50 mg twice a day or 100 mg once a day for general support.

Boosting Immunity - Good or Bad?

Dietary supplement products often claim that they "boost" immunity. We see that as a "stimulant" approach...."boost" immunity like you try to boost your awareness and even energy levels with caffeine in coffee, soda, etc. You won't see that claim made for Ai/E10. Ai/E10 works uniquely to help the immune system return to a state of "dynamic balance" by supporting immune communication, a goal stimulation will not accomplish. Stimulation may have its place at times and in moderation, but it will not help to support the immune imperatives of "recognition" and "remember." Only Ai/E10 supports immunity so effectively in such a simple and safe manner.

How is Ai/E10 Performance Measured?
Ai/E10 supports B, T and NK Cell activity more effectively than any other supplement product. Its further ability to help balance or "modulate" immune activity makes it right for everyone.

Taking a supplement containing Ai/E10 everyday will help give your immune system the support it needs. 50 mg twice a day or 100 mg once a day for general support.

The HPN Answer
Ai/E10 is the only ingredient in CELL BALANCE and the primary ingredient in CELL DESIGN. CELL BALANCE is the ONLY product on the market that contains 200 mg per capsule of Ai/E10. Cell Design is a powerful immune system supplement formulated with nine key herbal and amino acid compounds in combination with 160 mg of the refined lacteal complex Ai/E10 for immune system support. This proprietary formula is by far the most comprehensive immune formula available.

This might be helpful!
If you have not already discovered a great product that can be very helpful with sinus allergy issues we suggest you consider the NeilMed Sinus Rinse Kit. Using a sinus rinse once or twice a day when you are symptomatic might be very helpful. NeilMed Sinus Rinse Kits are inexpensive and available at all major drug store chains.


More Doctors Focus On Vitamin D Deficiencies

A basic medical exam produces some familiar numbers, clues to your overall health -- blood pressure readings, cholesterol counts.

Now a new number is getting marquee treatment: a vitamin D level.

Do you know yours?

In the past year, a test that checks vitamin D levels in the blood has surged in popularity among doctors.

This summer the Institute of Medicine is expected to revise its recommendation for daily vitamin D intake. Experts agree the current guidelines are far too low.

If you have symptoms that include fatigue and muscle aches and pains, don't be surprised if your doctor suggests a vitamin D blood test at your next visit. Because of widespread deficiencies, some won't need any symptoms to suggest it.

Vitamin D is important to bone and muscle health for certain, but vitamin D experts worry that D deficiency is implicated in cancers, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, infections and depression, to name but a few ailments.

Carla Aamodt, an internal medicine doctor with St. Luke's Health System, said about half the patients she was testing were vitamin D deficient, with many more "borderline."

Michael Kennedy, a family physician at the University of Kansas Hospital, said a third to a half of the patients he tested in the past year were deficient.

Cardiologist James O'Keefe said general population statistics were worse. Lack of sun exposure, the natural way the body makes vitamin D, helps explain the deficiencies.

"Upwards of 70 percent of American adults are vitamin D deficient or insufficient," said O'Keefe, director of the preventive cardiology program at St. Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute. "In the last year, awareness of vitamin D deficiency has really exploded."

Doctors want to see a level of at least 30. That's nanograms per milliliter. Some prefer a minimum of 40. Levels in the low to mid-20s aren't unusual, and both Aamodt and Kennedy have had patients with levels under 5 ng/mL.

Billie Howard Barnes of Kansas City knows how that feels. The fourth-grade teacher at Pembroke Hill School had her vitamin D checked two months ago -- doctor-recommended and nothing she had considered before -- and was surprised by the call she got.

"The nurse says: 'I believe this is the lowest level we've ever had. Yours is 5.' "

Barnes is African-American, and people with darker skin, she learned, are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.

"I'm 43, and getting up in the morning, my feet would hit the floor and every joint in my body was sore," she said. "I didn't realize how bad it had gotten. It just kind of crept up on me."

After several weeks of a high prescription dose of a vitamin D supplement, Barnes said she could tell a difference.

"It wasn't an instant thing, but I just feel much better. I'm not as stiff. Colleagues say there's more pep in my step," said Barnes, mother of 10-year-old twins. "And I'll tell you, my children are taking 1,000 IU (international units) a day now."

Of course, the potential wonders of other vitamins have been heralded before, only to be debunked or downplayed later.

But O'Keefe and others point out that D is unlike other vitamins and should be recognized for what it is: a hormone.

"Vitamin D is misnamed," he said.

Although there are food sources of vitamin D, its natural production takes place inside the body after the skin is exposed to sunlight. As a hormone, vitamin D helps regulate gene function throughout the body, so its implication in various body functions and disease processes makes sense. Its strong roles in bone and muscle health and in aiding calcium absorption have long been known.

The process nature intended -- ultraviolet rays on exposed skin equals vitamin D production -- would be the most likely method to remedy deficiencies except for two matters. People aren't out in the sun enough. And if they were, they would increase their risk of skin cancer.

"We're doing such a good job putting on sunscreen and being cautious because of skin cancer that we kind of left vitamin D out of the equation," Kennedy said.

That was then. Responding to an array of vitamin D research in the medical literature, Kennedy said he now regularly informed patients about the possibility of D deficiencies, and he often suggests ordering the blood test.

The test is called "25-hydroxy vitamin D," costs about $100 and may or may not be covered by insurance. O'Keefe said in the past year it had become the most popular "a la carte" blood test doctors were ordering.

If a patient is deficient, levels usually can be increased with vitamin D supplements, typically in pill form. Food sources of vitamin D, such as ocean fish and fortified milk, typically can't be consumed in enough quantities to do the trick.

For borderline and slight deficiencies, doctors often recommend an over-the-counter supplement containing 1,000 IU or more of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), taken daily. Many multivitamins contain 400 IU of vitamin D.

Up to 2,000 IU in a daily vitamin D supplement is considered safe for most people without worry of toxicity. Severe deficiencies may require a prescription.

Some doctors recommend both supplements and short amounts of sun exposure, with the caveat not to burn the skin. O'Keefe said a safe approach for many patients was to take a supplement plus get a maximum 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. But many doctors aren't comfortable suggesting sun exposure to patients.

"I'm a big advocate for sunscreen, but I'm simultaneously a big advocate for vitamin D supplements," Aamodt said.

With help from the noonday sun, the body can make a lot of vitamin D.

It's estimated that a light-skinned person in "optimal" conditions -- 60 percent skin exposure, sitting in the sun for 30 minutes between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in warm months -- would make 10,000 IU of vitamin D.

People with darker skin have to be in the sun longer to make the same amount and thus are more likely to be deficient.

A year and a half ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics doubled its recommendation for daily vitamin D supplements for infants through adolescents, from 200 to 400 IU.

Anecdotally, Aamodt said, patients she has treated who have vitamin D levels below 10 ng/mL said they "feel better overall, have more energy with less muscle aches and pains."

Vitamin D and calcium improve bone density and reduce falls and fractures. And although many other correlations with health and disease prevention are suspected with improved vitamin D levels, the jury is still out.

"I think the data will only get better," Aamodt said. "Stay tuned."

Vitamin D levels 

Many doctors consider a vitamin D blood level of 30 ng/mL as a benchmark. Below 30, and they probably will recommend a supplement. We asked local cardiologist James O'Keefe to put a finer point to the numbers. Here's his suggestion:

--40 to 70 ng/mL: Excellent

--30 to 39: Adequate

--20 to 29: Mildly deficient

--10-19: Moderately deficient

--Under 10: Severely deficient

HealthPro Nutrient's Answer - Youth D3

Youth D3 contains natural vitamin D3 which has shown to provide a major benefit in cardiovascular health & skeletal support.
D3 is normally synthesized in the body from sunlight, but due to the winter season, weather conditions, and sunscreen, the body's ability to produce optimal vitamin D3 levels are inhibited. Some believe that annual fluctuations in vitamin D3 levels explain the seasonality of the flu virus.

Published 4/21/10 by The Kansas City Star, Mo


You May Be Too Fit To Be Healthy

Most people will want to be both fit and healthy, but therein lies a problem that people are not aware of. Most people think that fitness and health go hand in hand and that when you are fit that you are also healthy at the same time. Not so, fitness and health are two distinctly different concepts.  

Fitness and health are not the same  
Fitness is the ability to perform work, create physical energy, with well trained muscles and health is the absence of illness. These two are not mutually inclusive. If you concentrate on health improvement you will improve the health of muscles as well and it will improve their ability to produce energy, in other words it will improve overall fitness as well. On the other hand, if you concentrate on fitness improvement and a washboard stomach and other pleasant looking muscle groups, then your health will actually decline. That sounds crazy and totally at odds with what we have learned and what we believe about fitness and health. But that are new insight that can be better understood after reading www.PlasmaCirculation.com.

Blood circulation
Health requires better blood circulation through all the tissues in the body (vital organs, brain, joint tissue etc.) and fitness requires more blood circulation through muscles. It so happens that an increase of blood-flow through muscles will necessarily result in a decrease of blood-flow through all non-muscle cell tissues, resulting in less blood delivery to all these cell tissues. It means a decrease in delivery of nutrients, oxygen and disease fighting white blood cells (a most important part of our immune system) and that means a decrease in health and greater risk of cancer in all the cell tissues that get fewer white blood cells, oxygen and nutrients delivered to them.

Exercise creates blood flow through muscles at the expense of blood flow through all non-muscle tissue in the body (vital organs, brain etc.)

Exercise creates greater blood flow through the muscles that are producing energy during the exercise. Capillaries in the working muscles open up to a larger flow diameter. They dilate to a larger diameter as a result of lactic acid that is produced by the muscle cells that create the energy. with most exercise the flow diameter of the capillaries goes back to normal. With some exercises that greater blood flow through the fit muscles remains after the exercise when the person is no longer exercising. The blood flow through the fit muscles will still remain at a higher flow volume when the person is at rest and that means lower volume of blood through all other non-muscle cell tissues when the person is at rest and not only when that person is exercising. It means more fitness and less health.

But since most people equate fitness with health they will be wanting to do the kind of exercises that improve fitness and they will wind up decreasing their health. This explains then also why many highly fit people from the World of sports will often wind up with a lot of severe health problems in their mid-fifties and sixties and many will die in their mid fifties and sixties, many as a result of cancer. We then wonder how it is possible that these very fit people wind up with these big health problems and die, because we are stuck in the belief that fitness equals health.

Here is the explanation:
When you concentrate on creating maximum fitness, you will have to do very intense exercises that will increase blood-flow through muscles so that the increased blood-flow will deliver more “fuel” and oxygen to the muscles with which they can create more energy and perform more work (fitness). The problem is that an increase of blood-flow through these fit muscles means a decrease of blood-flow in all other cell-tissues in the body.

It now becomes clear
It now becomes clear why some very fit individuals such as athletes in certain sports are having serious health problems in their mid-fifties and sixties and why a number of them die in their mid-fifties and sixties. They have created too much permanent blood flow at rest through all their highly trained very fit muscles. Professional football players have an average lifespan of 52, much lower than the average population.

Many of the health problems are cancer related. That is also explained in http://www.plasmacirculation.com/

Low resting pulse rates
The people that have created a high degree of fitness and a lot of blood flow through highly trained muscles at rest, will have a low resting pulse rate. They now incorrectly believe that a low resting pulse rate is a good thing because it is as a result of being very fit. And since they believe that fitness means health, they will try to train for even more fitness that results in an even lower pulse rate at rest. They now are well on their way to less health and more illness. Very confusing right?

Why is their resting pulse low?
The main influence of resting pulse rate is the level of CO2 circulating in the blood. People that have developed a lot of bloodflow through muscles at rest will have less blood circulation through all non-muscle celltissues at rest. Not good for health and it makes for low levels of CO2 in the blood at rest, resulting in a low pulserate.

The Best Exercise is Explosive
Just like any other animal, the best way to keep your body in shape and your blood circulating properly is through explosive movement.  But how do you exercise like that without hurting yourself?  The answer is QuickGym 

The QuickGym / ROM machine puts you through cardio performed at such an intense level that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover from the workout. This is commonly referred to as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) and it means that you consume a great deal more oxygen recovering from the exercise than you would have if you'd just done a steady-state workout like jogging or walking. This means that you will be burning up to nine times more fat while sitting on the couch later that night than you would have if you'd spent an hour on the treadmill at a moderate pace.

High intensity training, also known as HIT training, has a number of benefits in addition to the reduction in training time. First of all, this type of training is far superior to steady-state exercises when it comes to increasing your VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen you can uptake during exercise. 

Besides, The best exercise is the one you will do!