Fitness and health are not the same
Fitness is the ability to perform work, create physical energy, with well trained muscles and health is the absence of illness. These two are not mutually inclusive. If you concentrate on health improvement you will improve the health of muscles as well and it will improve their ability to produce energy, in other words it will improve overall fitness as well. On the other hand, if you concentrate on fitness improvement and a washboard stomach and other pleasant looking muscle groups, then your health will actually decline. That sounds crazy and totally at odds with what we have learned and what we believe about fitness and health. But that are new insight that can be better understood after reading
Blood circulation
Health requires better blood circulation through all the tissues in the body (vital organs, brain, joint tissue etc.) and fitness requires more blood circulation through muscles. It so happens that an increase of blood-flow through muscles will necessarily result in a decrease of blood-flow through all non-muscle cell tissues, resulting in less blood delivery to all these cell tissues. It means a decrease in delivery of nutrients, oxygen and disease fighting white blood cells (a most important part of our immune system) and that means a decrease in health and greater risk of cancer in all the cell tissues that get fewer white blood cells, oxygen and nutrients delivered to them.
Exercise creates blood flow through muscles at the expense of blood flow through all non-muscle tissue in the body (vital organs, brain etc.)
Exercise creates greater blood flow through the muscles that are producing energy during the exercise. Capillaries in the working muscles open up to a larger flow diameter. They dilate to a larger diameter as a result of lactic acid that is produced by the muscle cells that create the energy. with most exercise the flow diameter of the capillaries goes back to normal. With some exercises that greater blood flow through the fit muscles remains after the exercise when the person is no longer exercising. The blood flow through the fit muscles will still remain at a higher flow volume when the person is at rest and that means lower volume of blood through all other non-muscle cell tissues when the person is at rest and not only when that person is exercising. It means more fitness and less health.
But since most people equate fitness with health they will be wanting to do the kind of exercises that improve fitness and they will wind up decreasing their health. This explains then also why many highly fit people from the World of sports will often wind up with a lot of severe health problems in their mid-fifties and sixties and many will die in their mid fifties and sixties, many as a result of cancer. We then wonder how it is possible that these very fit people wind up with these big health problems and die, because we are stuck in the belief that fitness equals health.
Here is the explanation:
When you concentrate on creating maximum fitness, you will have to do very intense exercises that will increase blood-flow through muscles so that the increased blood-flow will deliver more “fuel” and oxygen to the muscles with which they can create more energy and perform more work (fitness). The problem is that an increase of blood-flow through these fit muscles means a decrease of blood-flow in all other cell-tissues in the body.
It now becomes clear
It now becomes clear why some very fit individuals such as athletes in certain sports are having serious health problems in their mid-fifties and sixties and why a number of them die in their mid-fifties and sixties. They have created too much permanent blood flow at rest through all their highly trained very fit muscles. Professional football players have an average lifespan of 52, much lower than the average population.
Many of the health problems are cancer related. That is also explained in
Low resting pulse rates
The people that have created a high degree of fitness and a lot of blood flow through highly trained muscles at rest, will have a low resting pulse rate. They now incorrectly believe that a low resting pulse rate is a good thing because it is as a result of being very fit. And since they believe that fitness means health, they will try to train for even more fitness that results in an even lower pulse rate at rest. They now are well on their way to less health and more illness. Very confusing right?
Why is their resting pulse low?
The main influence of resting pulse rate is the level of CO2 circulating in the blood. People that have developed a lot of bloodflow through muscles at rest will have less blood circulation through all non-muscle celltissues at rest. Not good for health and it makes for low levels of CO2 in the blood at rest, resulting in a low pulserate.
The Best Exercise is Explosive
Just like any other animal, the best way to keep your body in shape and your blood circulating properly is through explosive movement. But how do you exercise like that without hurting yourself? The answer is QuickGym.
The QuickGym / ROM machine puts you through cardio performed at such an intense level that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover from the workout. This is commonly referred to as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) and it means that you consume a great deal more oxygen recovering from the exercise than you would have if you'd just done a steady-state workout like jogging or walking. This means that you will be burning up to nine times more fat while sitting on the couch later that night than you would have if you'd spent an hour on the treadmill at a moderate pace.
High intensity training, also known as HIT training, has a number of benefits in addition to the reduction in training time. First of all, this type of training is far superior to steady-state exercises when it comes to increasing your VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen you can uptake during exercise.
High intensity training, also known as HIT training, has a number of benefits in addition to the reduction in training time. First of all, this type of training is far superior to steady-state exercises when it comes to increasing your VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen you can uptake during exercise.
Besides, The best exercise is the one you will do!
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