
Indulge...Just Be Prepared

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for showing appreciation to those we love and live our lives with. We want to celebrate and we don't want to think about whether we ate too much, or how much sugar our bodies are trying to process, or whether or not we should have that extra piece of pie. Honestly, who can say no to one more piece of Grandma's Pumpkin Pie? Or better yet, who should?

We say eat all you want this holiday season...just be prepared!

The HealthPro Nutrient Detox Program is formulated to help your body process what you eat.

Why Is This Important? 

Because of genetics, diet, lifestyle, processed foods, and toxic environments, we are all at risk for compromised digestion. This often leads to weakened immune function, fatigue, hormone imbalance, digestive disorders, and disease.

Our Detox bundle addresses all of these issues and more, leading to a more balanced and efficient digestive and immune system.

Why Are 5 Products Necessary? 

Each of these products have a different purpose, and provide a different level of support, working together to create a cohesive and complete system of support. This also allows you to control your dosage of each product according to your very specific needs.  for instance, someone who has just taken antibiotics may want to take the maximum dosage of Probiotic. 

Also, some ingredients, like those you will find in Life Line or ClearBody, are best served in liquid form and therefore don't travel as well.  If you are traveling this holiday, you can take Probiotic, Digestive Enzymes, and Regulier with you as they pack easily and won't cause any headache at the airport.

What Does Each Product Do? 

ClearBody clears our body of toxins, enhances our metabolism, and increases endurance.

Digestive Enzymes are the catalyst which allows us to break down foods into absorbable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. Digestive Enzymes help to promote a healthy stomach.

Probiotic provides the good bacteria essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and helping to maintain normal intestinal balance that can be disrupted by stress, disease, poor nutrition, toxins, and medications (i.e. antibiotics) resulting in intestinal and systemic health disturbances.

Regulier is an herbal formulation that establishes healthy elimination of toxins and free radicals to maintain a healthy balance in the body. Regulier contains Calcium Bentonite Clay, the body's natural pH balancer.

LifeLine has the very best antioxidant compounds available for cell enhancement, weight managment, and mitochondrial support (mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because they generate most of the cell's supply of chemical energy.)

Don't just take Tums because of an upset stomach.  There is a REASON your stomach is upset, or that you have heart-burn.  There is also a REASON they call it WASTE!  You want to get rid of it!  You want your body to process what you eat in a way so that the heart-burn, upset stomach, and myriad of other symptoms don't show up in the first place!

A Pre-New Year's Resolution

If your New Year's Resolution is going to be to "get healthy" or "lose weight", give yourself the best chance of not only starting that goal, but finishing it.  Don't "wait until the holidays are over".  Prepare your body for the increased consumption of refined sugars, calories, and fat.  Get your digestive and immune system primed so that you can process it better.  It will be much easier to keep your resolutions if you do.  Not doing so is like putting two soldiers up against an army and asking them to sort of "chip away" at the oncoming slaughter.

Why HealthPro Nutrient?

Just keep in mind this one last fact...our bodies are amazing machines, capable of amazing things.  But our world and our habits, or lifestyles and behaviors, wear these amazing systems down.  They need help.

That's where we come in.  Our Goal at HealthPro Nutrient is your wellness.  And our products are the best, scientifically designed by doctors who understand the inner-workings of our bodies and what's missing or lacking.  Also, our prices are reasonable and if you like the products, you have the opportunity to pass on that message and earn money for doing so!  We think of it as a customer-owned company.


Get all five products listed above for only $99.95 for a limited time.
Phone orders only, limit 2 per customer.

Call (877) 289-3309 to order

Learn More About Each Product and Our Whole Line at:


Get To Know Vitamin D

Vitamin D has received a lot of attention lately. As its health implications become more and more apparent through research, it is becoming evident that a significant proportion of the population has inadequate blood levels of the vitamin. It is estimated that up to 58% of US adolescents and adults are deficient. Chronic vitamin D deficiency and its consequences represent a major public health challenge. This article is intended to increase understanding of vitamin D and promote awareness of its connection to health and well-being, through a series of questions and answers.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D actually refers to a number of distinct, but related compounds. Differentiating between these compounds is necessary in order to fully appreciate this important substance. When exposed to sunlight, the skin synthesizes cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3. Cholecalciferol can also be taken as a supplement. After it is produced in the skin or ingested, it undergoes a two-step modification by the liver and kidneys. The first step yields calcidiol, which serves as an intermediate, storage form. Calcidiol is later activated to become calcitriol, which functions as a steroid hormone in the body.

Why is Vitamin D Important?

Vitamin D has been synthesized by life on earth for more than 750 million years. This fact alone suggests that vitamin D is a fundamental component of physiology and health. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is located inside virtually every cell in the body. It is the target of activated calcitriol. After calcitriol binds to its receptor, the resulting complex functions to regulate DNA expression. This process affects more than 2000 genes. Some genes are activated and others are suppressed by the action of vitamin D. Through such genetic control, vitamin D ultimately directs the activity of hundreds of enzymes and proteins. This is perhaps the strongest evidence for its vital role.

What are the Effects of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is well known for its role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism. However, this is only one of many important health benefits that vitamin D has to offer. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory effects, anti-cancer activity and its ability to strengthen the immune system. The capacity to regulate DNA itself means that vitamin D influences the very foundations of biochemistry, giving it the power to positively impact all body systems and harness the body's innate healing ability.

What Evidence Exists for the Benefits of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with at least 17 varieties of cancer, along with many other chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain. This may appear to be a tremendous claim. However, the relationship between vitamin D and disease is easy to recognize once you understand that it is integrated into our physiology, acting as one of the keys to normal cellular activity.

Need More Vitamin D?

Consider HealthPro Nutrient's Youth D3.
Youth D3 contains natural vitamin D3 which has shown to provide a major benefit in cardiovascular health & skeletal support.

the article above contains exerpts from an article written by Jeremiah Smith, citizen journalist, Natural News


Vitamin D Council 
Wikipedia, "Vitamin D" 



Sunlight, Nutrition And Health Research Center


FOCUS ON BRAIN HEALTH: Vitamin B12 Deficiency can Look Identical to Alzheimer's Disease

The article below talks about the dangers of a Vitamin B12 deficiency.  Vitamin B12 can be found in the HealthPro Nutrient brain formulas:
HPN uses the optimal and more expensive form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin.
For optimal brain health also look to Omega 3-6-9, C+CoQ10, and LifeLine.


When is Alzheimer`s Disease NOT Alzheimer`s Disease? When it`s actually caused by undiagnosed Vitamin B12 deficiency. This frequent occurrence is a tragedy in our society where growing numbers of those with Alzheimer`s Disease are diagnosed every year. Despite having IDENTICAL symptoms in many cases, vitamin B12 deficiency is almost NEVER considered as a possible cause.

Alzheimer`s Disease is a growing personal and family problem as well as a HUGE financial burden for society. And with over 4 million people in the US alone who have been diagnosed with this 'incurable' disease, Alzheimer`s Disease is becoming an ever growing crisis. Governments around the world are attempting to combat this problem by spending millions of dollars every year on research for drugs, stem cell treatment, genetic manipulation and pharmaceuticals- yet nothing has been found to effectively stop or slow its insidious spread. However, doctors in clinical practice are completely overlooking a SIMPLE cause of this problem that could stop the disease in its tracks. The scientific evidence is VERY CLEAR that the symptoms of Alzheimer`s Disease could be RADICALLY improved in many cases if a trial of high dose vitamin B12 were instituted soon after diagnosis.

Vitamin B12 deficiency, also called cobalamin deficiency, becomes more and more common as people get older and some researchers estimate that over 800,000 elderly in the US have undiagnosed deficiency. Yet because few clinicians are trained to look for its symptoms, many elderly who SHOULD be screened for this simple vitamin deficiency are, instead, diagnosed with `incurable` neurologic diseases. These mental changes from vitamin B12 deficiency were first described as far back as 1902, with much research having been done since that time. Many times, these changes are accompanied by lesions and degeneration of the brain and spinal cord on medical imaging that doctors use as evidence of the irreversible nature of this disease. Astoundingly, when these degenerative changes are caused by Vitamin B12 Deficiency, they are actually REVERSIBLE if high dose therapy is started soon after diagnosis!

Not only is medical imaging worthless in determining which cases will benefit from Vitamin B12 therapy, but blood testing has little value either. Since the 1950's, several studies have shown that cases of dementia that respond well to vitamin B12 therapy often have completely normal Vitamin B12 blood tests. Yet 50 years later, doctors still rely EXCLUSIVELY on blood testing and medical imaging to determine the need for Vitamin B12 therapy. These studies are clearly showing that a trial regimen of high dose vitamin B12 is absolutely warranted with cases of new onset dementia regardless of the results of medical testing. Yet modern medicine is simply NOT paying attention, and this extraordinarily safe therapy that costs less than $100 is virtually NEVER instituted. As a result, Alzheimer`s patients who COULD have benefited if B12 therapy were instituted soon after diagnosis are left with no memory and no hope.

Additional Articles/Research:

1) http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/pagerender.fcgi?artid=2306220&pageindex=1

source: by Kerri Knox, RN, citizen journalist

November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month -- Come back for more informative articles throughout the month or sign up for our weekly newsletter.


Inflammation: The Little Known Bully

Below, there is a very good article addressing inflammation concerns. Inflammation has been in the news for some time and as you will read below, is a hot topic in medical research today. HealthPro Nutrient has a full line of products that address this very issue.  If you have any of the risk factors listed at the bottom of this article, HPN can help.  Our goal is to keep you well.

Primary Products:
Cell Balance 

Cell Design 
Omega 3-6-9

Secondary Products:
Digestive Enzymes

A Huge Number of Illnesses are Caused by Inflammation

There is a surprising link between Heart Attacks, Cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. These other diseases include all forms of Autoimmune disorders including Arthritis and MS, Parkinson's, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Obesity, Allergies including Asthma and Food Intolerances, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and many other pain disorders. And there is much evidence to suggest that the link is inflammation. The modern diet and lifestyle is likely to cause inflammation in the body, and this can lead to a variety of illnesses.

Inflammation is now the hottest area of medical research, as drug companies rush to find remedies for this modern day epidemic. Unfortunately, these drugs are generally dangerous and don't get to the root of the problem.

Inflammation is the age-old immunological defense mechanism that causes the area of tissue of an injury to become red, hot and swollen. Most of the time, inflammation is a lifesaver that enables our bodies to fend off various disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. The inflammatory response should subside after it has fought off any invaders to an injury site and has allowed the healing to begin. However in certain circumstances, the inflammatory response fails to shut down and becomes chronic.

This is often due to poor dietary and lifestyle factors which promote chronic inflammation. Immune cells use "free radicals" to kill off pathogens and other foreign invaders. Free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species) are unstable particles which puncture and damage cells around them. This is great for killing bacteria, but it can also damage healthy cells if allowed to become out of control. In a body with chronic inflammation, there is therefore increased free radical or "oxidative" stress in the body. Free radicals damage blood vessels, joints, cell membranes, nerves and just about any other part of the body - this is why chronic inflammation is so bad for us. Free radical stress is also essentially how we age.

The body has an army of natural defense against free radicals; these are known as antioxidants. In states of chronic inflammation, the body can become depleted of antioxidants, and hence free radical stress does a lot of damage. This in turn causes more inflammation and more free radicals! It is essential to break this cycle of damage by lowering factors which promote inflammation, and by boosting our antioxidant status through dietary and lifestyle changes.

One last point - do we want to "boost" our immune system if it is already "over-active" due to inflammation? The answer is yes and no! There is only one PART of the immune system which gets over-active and begins to create problems with inflammation. Another part of the immune system works along a different line of attack; it does not create inflammation, but does a very important job fighting off bacteria, parasites, cancers cells and viruses. Many people today have signs of inflammation, yet also come down with yeast infections, viruses, dental infections and so on. In a sense their immune system needs modulation (Cell Balance and Cell Design), reduction of the pro-inflammatory side, and a boost to the other side which fights off the baddies without inflammation.

Risk factors which promote inflammation:
  • A poor diet can create micro-nutrient deficiencies. Type "B" malnutrition is rampant in the Western countries. This is a diet high in calories but deficient in nutrients, resulting in obesity and poor health. Micro-nutrient deficiencies make us more susceptible to low grade infections such as helicobacter pylori (the cause of stomach ulcers), gum disease, recurrent urinary tract infections, and Chlamydia. All low grade chronic infections can set up a chronic inflammation in the body. 
  • Poor gut health. A significant part of the immune system is found in the gut. The immune system in the gut is one of the most important first lines of defense against the outside world; after all, it is the area where matter from the outside is brought inside the body. The gut contains many billions of bacteria; most of them are good and help promote good immunity as well as good digestion, and they help with the absorption of nutrients. However, if there is an over-growth of "bad bacteria", these produce toxins and trigger the immune system. This is known as gut dysbiosis and can trigger a systemic low grade inflammation throughout the body's immune system. A symptom of poor gut health are food intolerances. A diet low in fiber and high in saturated fat and sugar promotes gut dysbiosis. Constipation is very bad for your health! 
  • Stress causes inflammation through worsening gut health, makes the body more susceptible to chronic low grade infections and lowers the immunity to bacteria, viruses, parasites and so on. All of this can trigger inflammation. Stress can also reduce cortisol hormone levels if adrenals are exhausted, which is a natural anti-inflammatory hormone.
  • Obesity. Fat cells behave like immune cells, spewing out messages to increase the inflammatory immune response. Therefore a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in fat and sugar promote inflammation.
  • Environmental pollution such as pesticides, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals from things like exhaust fumes and electrical appliances.
  • Excessive sunlight since sun burn is free radical stress.
  • Excessive exercise since the process of energy production produces free radicals as a by-product. Some exercise is good for you but overdoing it at the gym every day is very bad for you.
  • Trans and hydrogenated fats made from over-heating vegetable oils. These are also found in processed and refined foods and deep fried foods.
  • A diet deficient in antioxidants (antioxidants can be found in most fruit and vegetables).
source: Alex Howard, citizen journalist, NaturalNews


The Power of Green Tea

Green tea has been in the news quite a bit lately, and for good reason...below are two articles related to the powerful effects green tea has been found to have on cancer.

HealthPro Nutrient offers all the benefits of Green Tea, without the aftertaste!  Green Tea can be found in the following HPN products:

  • C+CoQ10, a super antioxidant supplement using plant cell technology
  • BrainRestore, a scientific blend of antioxidants designed to protect the brain against cellular damage from free radicals and toxins that contribute to the aging process
  • Endocrine Complex Men/Women multi-vitamins provide a complete spectrum of vitamins and herbs essential for optimizing men's and women's health

Green Tea Reduces Risk of Blood Cancers by 42 Percent 

A Japanese green tea study has determined impressive results regarding the reduction of blood and lymph cancers. Tohoku University researchers found a 42 percent reduction for blood cancers and 48 percent reduction for lymph cancers with high green tea consumption.

To arrive at these results, they analyzed the age, gender, lifestyle, and health of 40,000 Japanese over a ten-year period. The statistical observations over time have been bolstered with western clinical application and lab studies that revealed interesting observations.

For example, the Mayo Clinic of Minnesota fed leukemia patients large doses of GTE's (green tea extracts) and discovered immediate benefits in their patients. The doctors consider GTE's a helpful adjunct to orthodox cancer treatments. They declined the notion of using GTE's exclusively or in conjunction with other natural cancer treatments.

Researchers in Spain and England isolated the mechanics of green tea's inhibition of cancer cells. Their research was published in the March 2005 issue of Cancer Research. They found that EGCG, an extremely abundant catechin (active polyphenolic antioxidant metabolites) in green teas, inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which are needed by cancer cells to proliferate. Upon closer scrutiny of green tea EGCG, they determined that its molecular structure closely resembles that of the cancer drug methotrexate used in chemotherapy.

source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/6325630/Five-cups-of-green-tea-a-day-lowers-cancer-risk.html

Green Tea Extracts May Protect Against Oral Cancer 

Extracts from green tea may prevent the formation of mouth cancers in people with risk signs of the disease, according to a new study from Texas.

Over 50 per cent of participants in the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center study experienced a clinical response to the green tea extracts, according to findings published in Cancer Prevention Research.

“While still very early, and not definitive proof that green tea is an effective preventive agent, these results certainly encourage more study for patients at highest risk for oral cancer,” lead researcher Vassiliki Papadimitrakopoulou, MD.

“The extract's lack of toxicity is attractive - in prevention trials, it's very important to remember that these are otherwise healthy individuals and we need to ensure that agents studied produce no harm,” he added.

Green tea contains between 30 and 40 per cent of water-extractable polyphenols, while black tea (green tea that has been oxidized by fermentation) contains between 3 and 10 per cent. Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea and is somewhere between green and black tea.

The four primary polyphenols found in fresh tea leaves are epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epicatechin (EC).

Phase II Stats

The study, a phase II dose-finding trial, followed 41 people with oral leukoplakia who are at risk for developing oral cancer. The participants were assigned to receive either placebo or green tea extract.

Almost 60 percent of people taking the two highest doses of the green tea extracts had a clinical response. Just over 36 percent of people in the lowest extract dose group had a clinical response, compared to 18 percent in the placebo group, said the researchers.

Commenting on the safety, the researchers noted that side effects such as insomnia and nervousness were mostly only recorded in the high-dose group. None of these produced significant toxicity, they added.

“While these are encouraging findings, much more research must be done before we can conclude that green tea may prevent oral or any other type of cancer. It's also important to remind people that this trial enrolled very few participants who, at the highest dose levels took the equivalent of eight cups of green tea three times a day,” cautioned Papadimitrakopoulo.

“We need to further understand if green tea offers longer-term prevention effects for patients,” he added.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 35,720 are expected to be diagnosed with oral and/or pharynx cancer and the five year survival rate is less than 50 percent.

Source: Cancer Prevention Research, Volume 2, 931; "Phase II Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial of Green Tea Extract in Patients with High-risk Oral Premalignant Lesions"; Authors: A.S. Tsao, D. Liu, J. Martin, X. Tang, et al.


Gut Bacteria Link to Breast Cancer Probed

Breaking News on Supplements & Nutrition - North America

Researchers at the Chicago based Rush University Medical Center has received $750,000 in funding from the US Department of Defense to study microbial cells in the human gut and the mechanism by which they can influence health and disease.

The researchers, led by gastroenterologist Dr. Ece Mutlu, said that they hoped to determine whether gastrointestinal microbiota has the potential to explain rises in breast cancer incidence.

The study is part of a wider project aimed at understanding how changes in bacterial genomes, known as the human microbiome, can be correlated with changes in human health, according to the Medical Center.

The researchers want to map out the composition of gut microorganisms and they hypothesize that if they are able to find the microbes responsible for certain diseases it could influence potential treatments or diagnostic tools.

Breast cancer susceptibility genes explain less that five to 10 per cent of total breast cancer cases related to familiar factors, maintain the research team.

Moreover, they claim that the gut microbiome passed on from mother to child may be another familiar factor previously never taken into account in the genetic risk models for the disease.

The team said that they will use a technology for genomic sequencing called Multitag Pyrosequencing (MTPS) that will allow them to identify 50,000 or 60,000 microbes per sample.

The team said they are currently recruiting study participants who are female, 30 years of age or older, and newly diagnosed with breast cancer before any treatment has begun.

Clinical data from the participant’s medical records will be taken, and prior to a patient receiving any cancer-related therapy, biopsies of the colon and stool specimens will be taken, added the researchers.

Source: Jane Byrne, Nutra-Ingredients.com


"Sunshine Vitamin" To Stave Off Breast Cancer?

This Interesting Article Comes Off The Canada NewsWire

Breast cancer is a disease so directly related to vitamin D deficiency that a woman's risk of contracting the disease can be 'virtually eradicated' by elevating her vitamin D status to what vitamin D scientists consider to be natural blood levels.

That's the message vitamin D pioneer Dr. Cedric Garland delivered in Toronto Tuesday as part of the University of Toronto School of Medicine's "Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency" conference - the largest gathering of vitamin D researchers in North America this year. More than 170 researchers, public health officials and health practitioners gathered at the UT Faculty club for the landmark event.

Garland's presentation headlined a conference that reviewed many aspects of the emerging vitamin D research field - a booming discipline that has seen more than 3,000 academic papers this calendar year alone, conference organizers said. That makes vitamin D by far the most prolific topic in medicine this year, with work connecting it with risk reduction in two dozen forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple scleroses and many other disorders.

Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Associate Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at University of Toronto, and Director of the Bone and Mineral Laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital, organized the event in conjunction with Grassroots Health - an international vitamin D advocacy group founded by breast cancer survivor Carole Baggerly.

As much as 97 percent of Canadians are vitamin D deficient at some point in the year, according to University of Calgary research - largely due to Canada's northerly latitudes and weak sun exposure. Sunshine is by far the most abundant source of vitamin D - called 'The Sunshine Vitamin' - with salmon and fortified milk being other sources. Vitamin D supplementation helps raise levels for many as well.

Grassroots Health's "D-action" panel - 30 of the world's leading researchers on vitamin D and many other vitamin D supporters - recommend 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily and vitamin D blood levels of 100-150 nanomoles-per-liter as measured by a vitamin D blood test.

Vieth pointed out that natural vitamin D levels of mammals who live outdoors in sunny climates is higher than that - up to 200 nanomoles-per liter. And Garland, whose presentation was entitled "Breast Cancer as a Vitamin D Deficiency Disease" presented data showing that raising one's vitamin D status near those levels decreased breast cancer risk more than 77 percent.

'The Sunshine Vitamin' was once thought of only for bone health, helping the body process calcium. But more recent work has shown that all cells in the body have "vitamin D receptors" which help control normal cell growth. Additionally, Garland presented new evidence that low vitamin D status compromises the integrity of calcium-based cellular bonding within tissues, which when eroded allow rogue cancer cells to spread more readily.

SOURCE: GrassrootsHealth


Twenty Reasons Why Vitamin D Is Better Than A Swine Flu Vaccine

The news is out: Vitamin D is better than the swine flu vaccine at halting H1N1 infections. In fact, without vitamin D, chances are that a vaccine won't generate much of an immune response in the first place.
That's because vitamin D is essential for healthy, active immune function. That's just one of the reasons smart people are choosing vitamin D instead of the swine flu vaccine. Here are nineteen more reasons:

#1 Vitamin D activates your immune system to respond to any viral exposure (not just one virus).

#2 Vitamin D naturally belongs in your body.

#3 Vitamin D has been functioning as medicine in the human body since the beginning of the human species.

#4 Vitamin D is available right now and there's no shortage of it.

#5 Vitamin D won't cause your brain to swell and put you into a coma.

#6 Vitamin D doesn't require an injection with a scary needle.

#7 Vitamin D is found naturally in many foods such as sardines or salmon.

#8 Vitamin D has a perfect safety record. No one ever died from consuming it.

#9 Vitamin D is affordable. You can even get it for free (from sunlight).

#10 Vitamin D doesn't contain viral fragments from diseased animals (like vaccines often do).

#11 Vitamin D doesn't contain thimerosal or other chemical preservatives.

#12 Vitamin D doesn't need a warning sheet describing possible side effects.

#13 Vitamin D doesn't hurt your arm when you take it.

#14 Vitamin D also improves sugar metabolism, bone density and healthy moods.

#15 Vitamin D is safe for the environment.

#16 Vitamin D doesn't contain squalene or other inflammatory adjuvant chemicals.

#17 Vitamin D works on everyone and is safe for everyone, including infants and children.

#18 Vitamin D is made in nature, not a laboratory.

#19 Vitamin D is found naturally in breast milk.

#20 You can walk, and chew gum, and generate vitamin D from sunshine all at the same time!

Skip the vaccine. Get more Vitamin D! 

The HealthPro Nutrient Answer To Vitamin D Deficiencies:

Youth D3 is an incredibly efficient anti-aging formula that enhances the skin and combats the effects of aging from the inside out.

Benefits of Youth D3 include:
  • reduction of fine lines
  • increased moisture retention
  • improvement in overall skin texture
  • immune support
  • enhanced heart/circulatory health
  • increased wound healing
  • brain support
  • bone and skeletal support
Youth D3 contains natural vitamin D3 which has shown to provide a major benefit in cardiovascular health & skeletal support. D3 is normally synthesized in the body from sunlight, but due to the winter season, weather conditions, and sunscreen, the body's ability to produce optimal vitamin D3 levels are inhibited. Some believe that annual fluctuations in vitamin D3 levels explain the seasonality of the flu virus.

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor  


Focus on Ingredients: AiE/10 for Immune Support

Many substances are known to affect the structure and function of the immune system; some are mere stimulants, while others modulate immune function. The nutritional ingredient Ai/E10®, has been studied for its ability to stimulate restoration and maintenance of immune function, resulting in improved immune competence and balance.

Ai/E10 can be used as an ingredient in food, as a dietary supplement, or as an inactive ingredient in homeopathic remedies and drug products; it has been self-affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe).

Ai/E10 is a patented and proprietary ingredient for the immune system. Ai/E10 is a refined lacteal peptide complex that consists of over 60 hyper-immunized communication molecules to help the immune system recognize, respond to, and remember germs that come into the body. This unique ingredient can be found in the HealthPro Nutrient products Cell Balance and Cell Design.

The following studies utilizing Ai/E10 were conducted by
Solstice Clinical Associates, Tucson, AZ;
Quantum Research Inc., Scottsdale, AZ; Immune Consultants, Tucson, AZ:

Study 1:
  • 107 patients with documented and advanced chronic illness
  • Followed and treated with Ai/E10 for 13.2 months
  • Natrual Killer (NK) cell activity rose significantly, placing them at the high end of the recognized range for people in a healthy population (246 Lytic Units [LU])

Study 2:
  • 12 healthy adults 
  • Monitored over 90 days as they 
  • Consumed 100 mg of Ai/E10 daily 
  • Intervention significantly elevated NK cell activity from a pre-study mean of 30 LU to a post-study mean of 101 LU. 
  • Additionally, Ai/E10 consumption significantly reduced “symptoms” on a general health evaluation.

Study 3:

  • Monitored the activity of NK cells, macrophages, and Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) activity
  • 20 participants; 10 received a placebo; 10 took 200 mg of Ai/E10 daily for 15 days. 
  • The study group exhibited a clear “modulated” immune response, elevating key immune markers occurring in concert with each other, which is consistent with observations of the immune system’s ability to recognize and respond.

Berlett Dietary Ingredients also conducted a study on Ai/E10, the results of which were published in the Townsend Letter, Examiner of Alternative Medicine, in December 2006. Ai/E10 was compared to other substances marketed for immune support, including colostrum, maitake, arabinogalactan, lactoferrin and astragalus. The researchers reported all materials demonstrated immune stimulation; however Ai/E10 also had a strong, reliable capability to increase immune surveillance and transfer immunological information among cell groups.

This posting is based on an article originally published by David L. Bergsma in Natural Products Insider, August 2008


Special Report...Flu Vaccine & Side Effects

Special Report:

The flu vaccine comes with potential horrible side effects!  Please be aware of this and know the risks.  Watch the video and arm yourself with information before playing Russian roulette with your health.

We know that you CAN NOT afford to be sick, out of work, or go to the doctor. Investing in your health, investing in wellness from the inside out, having a proactive approach...that is the insurance you need.  You can make your immune system smarter so that when viruses come, they are taken care of by a strong internal army of your own antibodies.

Guillain-Barre is another debilitating neurological syndrome that completely incapacitates those it affects.  Most people who suffer from this syndrome end up on a ventilator, for months in the hospital.  The first question asked when someone is diagnosed is whether a swine flu vaccine had been administered.
During "non-pandemic" years, Guillain-Barre is very rare (in a town of 150,000, there may be 1-2 cases of Guillain-Barre in a year), but during times when Swine flu vaccines are administered, those numbers soar.    

You have the solution to optimal health at your fingertips.
Act now and purchase a month's supply of Cell Balance and Cell Design.  Give these supplements to your family, buy a bottle for your friends. Both products aid your body's natural ability to build new cells, thereby creating the strong and vigorous immune system that will give you the best chance possible of staying healthy while under attack.


Your immune system will be more balanced and therefore less likely to allow the side effects of the flu shot to affect you. Click here to order.

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